Sustainable Finance News and Insights to help you navigate the current financial climate.

Kate Martin Kate Martin

Pico Analytics Fortnightly Newsletter: ESG's and Sustainable Finance Edition

2022 was a busy year for the climate movement with peaks and troughs throughout. We saw economic volatility and war in Europe change our reliance on fossil fuels. We saw successful and unsuccessful summits, talks and conferences, bringing us 'loss and damage finance', fossil fuel lobbyists and commitments to protect biodiversity. We saw seriously questionable behaviour by governments and big business as greenwashing spreads and green commitments fall by the wayside. Importantly, we also experienced moments of sheer joy through positive developments in areas ranging from technology to rewilding, to seeing a gradual shift in public awareness of the climate crisis. As the festive season drew to a close and we stepped into a new year once again full of hope for what could be achieved it is important that we take a moment to look back and remind ourselves of those moments which have shaped sustainable finance moving into 2023.

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Solar Power - A Stepping-Stone To A Brighter Future

Today the sight of solar panels on the roofs of homes, universities and even businesses is becoming increasingly common. Yet, many remain confused by how solar panels work and continue to feel discouraged from introducing them into their energy supply chain due to the high price tag associated with installation. Uptake has been gradual, and their effectiveness remains questionable in countries such as the UK where temperamental weather patterns are at play. However, in nations and regions that experience steady sunshine solar panels can provide green energy, sustainable jobs, additional income from power sold back into the national grid, and access to electricity for remote communities who were previously living off grid.

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Pico Analytics Fortnightly Newsletter: Our World Pre-COP27

Change. There is nothing more intrinsic to the existence of humanity and the planet we live on as change. Yet, such a short word conveys not only that strange and unsettling mixture of emotions one feels when hearing it but is also used to translate into language the way time interacts with human society and the natural world. Today, we face change on an unprecedented scale, but this change is not one we can afford to be fearful of, nor can we afford ourselves the time to become accustomed to such rapid changes. Instead, we must be bold, we must take action and we must embrace changes in every facet of our lives, from the food on our plates, to the way that we travel, and to the items we pick off the shelves. In governance and policy, the changes will need to be yet more extensive with restructuring required at every level and in every sector to ensure that our planet has a future.

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Pico Analytics Fortnightly Newsletter: Asia & The Pacific Edition

Asia and the Pacific is one of the most expansive and diverse regions on earth. It contains some of the greatest disparities in wealth and access resources whilst being rich in culture and innovation. There are areas where you can walk for miles and never meet a soul and in others you can barely move through the hustle and bustle of densely populated cities. The sheer complexity of cultures and peoples is all at once overwhelming and at the same time a magnificent display of the human capacity to adapt and be creative. Yet, as the climate crisis worsens, and few places are left untouched by its impacts, the strengths and weaknesses of political systems and local methods of resilience will be tested in equal measure.

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Pico Analytics Fortnightly Newsletter: Our Mid Year Review Edition

2022 marked a year of hope as numerous nations continued to speak out on climate change and the need for sustainable development. The Cop26 agenda appeared to be in full force as not just international governments but entire communities were dedicated to making changes that would positively benefit our planet. Six months later and the progress we have made leaves much to be desired.

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Pico Analytics Fortnightly Newsletter: Our Food for Thought Edition

This edition hopes to provide you with some useful food for thought ranging from rethinking misinterpretations of the IPCC report, to contemplating the nuclear energy turnaround in South Korea. These stories shine a light on some of the most concerning and questionable behaviours of governments and businesses around the world. Food and water is the prevailing theme of this edition in recognition of the cost of living crisis and the difficulties faced by many in being able to afford to put food on the table for their families. In our sustainability spotlight we have included a successful new app which aims to reduce food waste and which we hope our readers will try out the next time you have a surplus of food. This newsletter, as usual, will provide a short summary of some of the most notable, informative and quirky recent climate stories in the hope that it provides inspiration and insight into climate news from around the world. Finally, we want to hear from you, our readers, about any topics that interest you, which we can either produce research papers on or include stories in future newsletters.

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