Sustainable Finance News and Insights to help you navigate the current financial climate.

Kate Martin Kate Martin

Pico Analytics Fortnightly Newsletter: Lifestyle Edition

As we rapidly head towards Christmas, communities around the world are putting up decorations, wrapping presents, purchasing huge quantities of food and drink, and traveling varying distances to spend the holiday season with family and friends. Though it's important that we all enjoy this opportunity to take a break from the stresses and anxieties that loom over everyday life and to treat ourselves to a minced pie or box of chocolates it is important that we continue to be mindful of the lifestyle choices we make and how they impact upon the planet.

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Pico Analytics Fortnightly Newsletter: Eight Billion People and Counting Edition

As the global population tops eight billion we are facing challenges few of us would have envisioned even ten years ago. Food and water insecurity are already prevalent in "hunger hotspots" across the globe with famine threatening people from the Horn of Africa to Afghanistan. The impacts of war and violence are bleeding across national borders and migration is on the rise. The cost-of-living crisis is forcing families to choose between heating or eating and in some cases not being able to do either, instead being forced to rely on the charitable donations of others. Accessing basic resources is rapidly becoming a battle ground as affordability slips through the fingers of the general public, whilst political infighting leaves national economies in tatters. Meanwhile, climate change lingers over us exacerbating every crisis yet further leading to increased gender-based violence, displacement and malnutrition amongst children and adults alike. Yet, we continue our current path, patting ourselves on the back for making compromises at Cop27, or remembering to take the recycling out and all the while either forgetting about or failing to appreciate the bigger picture.

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Pico Analytics Fortnightly Newsletter: Our World Pre-COP27

Change. There is nothing more intrinsic to the existence of humanity and the planet we live on as change. Yet, such a short word conveys not only that strange and unsettling mixture of emotions one feels when hearing it but is also used to translate into language the way time interacts with human society and the natural world. Today, we face change on an unprecedented scale, but this change is not one we can afford to be fearful of, nor can we afford ourselves the time to become accustomed to such rapid changes. Instead, we must be bold, we must take action and we must embrace changes in every facet of our lives, from the food on our plates, to the way that we travel, and to the items we pick off the shelves. In governance and policy, the changes will need to be yet more extensive with restructuring required at every level and in every sector to ensure that our planet has a future.

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Pico Analytics Fortnightly Newsletter: Industry & Agriculture Edition

Never before has climate change been so apparent to the global population. As heat waves, wildfires, floods, and every imaginable extreme weather event continues to shake the foundations of modern society we are rapidly reaching a breaking point. As Europeans and Americans flock to the beaches and leave the fans and AC running 24/7 in an attempt cool down during the second major heat wave of the year it can be easy to forget the true source of the heat and how issues such as this are a daily battle for many areas of the global South. As climate change clashes with war, limited socio-economic development, pandemics, racial inequality, gender inequality, ineffective/inefficient governments and greenwashing across industry and agriculture it can be difficult to see any possible future for our planet.

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Pico Analytics Fortnightly Newsletter: Our Mid Year Review Edition

2022 marked a year of hope as numerous nations continued to speak out on climate change and the need for sustainable development. The Cop26 agenda appeared to be in full force as not just international governments but entire communities were dedicated to making changes that would positively benefit our planet. Six months later and the progress we have made leaves much to be desired.

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Pico Analytics Fortnightly Newsletter: Our Food for Thought Edition

This edition hopes to provide you with some useful food for thought ranging from rethinking misinterpretations of the IPCC report, to contemplating the nuclear energy turnaround in South Korea. These stories shine a light on some of the most concerning and questionable behaviours of governments and businesses around the world. Food and water is the prevailing theme of this edition in recognition of the cost of living crisis and the difficulties faced by many in being able to afford to put food on the table for their families. In our sustainability spotlight we have included a successful new app which aims to reduce food waste and which we hope our readers will try out the next time you have a surplus of food. This newsletter, as usual, will provide a short summary of some of the most notable, informative and quirky recent climate stories in the hope that it provides inspiration and insight into climate news from around the world. Finally, we want to hear from you, our readers, about any topics that interest you, which we can either produce research papers on or include stories in future newsletters.

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Women in Climate Policy; The Trailblazing Women of Africa

Women have been the strength and stay of many African Nations throughout history as warriors, mothers, matriarchs, freedom fighters and now politicians, NGO workers and climate activists. The disenfranchised, poor, and repressed image of African women and girls often portrayed in global media could not be further from the truth for many amazing women who are taking their place in what was and to some extent remains a patriarchal society in almost every nation across the continent. The strength of these women to defy traditional gender roles and seek a career and voice outside of the home evidences at least in part the importance of their role in politics and in particular their steering of the climate policies to come. In a region which is already experiencing the grave impacts of climate change in the form of drought, desertification, forced migration, etc. the inevitable loss of life, livelihoods and futures are often felt most deeply by women due to the systemic gender inequalities which are so deeply rooted in African society. This does not mean however that these women are either powerless or vulnerable as many have weathered far greater storms and when given the opportunity will exhibit far greater resilience to disasters and crises than their male counterparts. 

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Kate Martin Kate Martin

Small Island Developing States and Cop26; The Modern-Day David and Goliath

Cop26 has proven, once again, to be a disappointment for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). As leaders, politicians and activists convened in Glasgow (UK) for the United Nations Climate Change Conference the initial utopian images of green energy, reduced plastic and a world dedicated to stopping the oncoming crisis morphed into a less promising picture. For those in the know, the inner political cogs had been whirring for some time and not all for the benefit of the climate…

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Carbon Markets, COP26 Kate Martin Carbon Markets, COP26 Kate Martin

Carbon Markets in the Post-Cop Era

The term carbon market was likely to have been uttered by every attendee at Cop26, but why is this area of such significance? Why have governments and large businesses invested so much time and money into demonstrating their support for such schemes, when the reality fails to live up to the green and sustainable utopia that carbon markets are supposed to help achieve? To answer such questions, we must trace the roots of carbon markets and analyse how they grow.

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Analysing the Sustainable Development Goals: #13 Climate Action

Climate change is the single biggest threat to sustainable development and defined as Climate Action is Goal 13 on the Sustainable Development Goals. It’s impact on the environment and human health is monumental and the future of the earth depends on the extent to which nations implement prevention efforts.

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The Great Green Wall, Climate Change, Climate Crisis Pico Analytics Research The Great Green Wall, Climate Change, Climate Crisis Pico Analytics Research

The Great Green Wall: Restoring Barren Land Across The Sahel

In Pico Analytics’ last insight post on Emily Robinsons Zoom Talk, ‘The Climate Crisis and it’s Solutions’, we mentioned The Great Green Wall and how it provides a light of optimism amidst the climate crisis. This article will go into greater depth about the environmental and social implications of The Great Green Wall as well as how it helps to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Coal, Climate Crisis, Environment Mya Sharma Coal, Climate Crisis, Environment Mya Sharma

The Decline of Coal: Are we Doing Enough?

Coal is the most carbon intensive fossil fuel which when burned, directly leads to the production of carbon dioxide and the subsequent warming of the earth. Currently, 37% of the world’s electricity and over 70% of the world’s steel is produced using coal. In order to prevent global warming, there must be a united global effort to reduce our coal consumption.

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